These are my links for March 24th through April 14th:
- BBC NEWS | Technology | SixthSense blurs digital and the real – At this year's Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) conference in Boston, the Fluid Interfaces Group at MIT's Media Lab unveiled the latest prototype of SixthSense, a wearable, gesture-driven computing platform that can continually augment the physical world with digital information.
tags: technology touch hci - Nilhuanwen – a graphics post –
tags: guyofgisborne icons - BBC NEWS | Health | Medics 'can mend a broken heart' –
tags: news heart health brokenheart - Britons spent six months queuing – Telegraph – A spokesman for online auction site, which carried out the poll, said: "Queuing is seen by many as one of the classic British traits, and these results prove that it does in fact take up a large amount of our time
tags: britishnationalpastimes britain queuing hobbies - Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life – Facebook "stream" redesign: Disruptive companies don't listen to their customers – Mark Zuckerburg – Here's the problem with the redesign. Twitter is a micro-blog. The 140 character Livejournal.
Facebook is not a blog. In its old form it was a really great PHONEBOOK.
tags: blog facebook socialnetworking layout