What’s the rudest thing you’ve ever asked anyone? And what’s the rudest thing you’ve ever been asked? Submitted By |
I don’t know what the rudest thing I’ve asked someone is. I tend not to ask people too many questions because most people are happy to chat and don’t need much prompting with questions to keep them going.
Which I guess means that my lack of questions could be kind of rude I suppose.
The rudest thing I’ve been asked is “What are you?”. Which is worse than “Where are you from?” because at least the second one implies that I’m human and I can answer it with my hometown, to which people tend to say “No, where are you from?” and I tend to then answer with “England. I’m English.”
After that it tends to go downhill and then they try and rephrase and say “No, where are your parents from?”
I like to answer that one with “They’re British.”
After this I like to suggest “Did you want to know my ethnicity?” because I knew from the beginning that they realise I’m not entirely white but haven’t quite been able to put their finger on exactly what not!white I am.
I am pretty much of the opinion that if you really need to know, then you should at least phrase it right.