- RT @shanucore: HEY GUYS. Want to join my angry mob? Free flaming torch and pitchfork! http://www.balloon-juice.com/?p=28483 09:42:28
- I have no idea why every time I plan to spend the day on my own doing nothing, my plans are automatically derailed. AUGH 13:00:40
- @thehistoryguy Bizarrely, that's one of the few things I do know about concerning Charles II in reply to thehistoryguy 13:01:22
- Checking out my TweetStats! http://tweetstats.com/graphs/herdivineshadow 13:41:00
- @krazycat ftw! in reply to krazycat 17:05:56
- …what? RT @cinematical: 'The Crow' Remake Prepares To Take Flight http://bit.ly/311Gj8 17:06:43
- @krazycat apparently it's a reboot that doesn't have eric draven. which actually makes it a sequel I would have thought in reply to krazycat 17:11:28
- @krazycat I KNOW in reply to krazycat 22:38:38
- @understood Lead in the walls and roof? in reply to understood 22:48:53
- @krazycat I'm kind of intrigued at the same time. I kind of <3 bad film ideas in reply to krazycat 22:49:26
- @krazycat is it bad that for me they are mostly wrong due to the inaccuracy of the design rather than the outright sluttiness? in reply to krazycat 22:55:49