- RT @shanucore: More immigration BS – RT: @davidbishop Please RT: Home Office rules ban acclaimed graphic novelist http://bit.ly/8IhBJ 13:36:27
- @tritimmus Or I can just leave it at "enjoyed my degree, enjoying not working in a job that has anything to do with it"
in reply to tritimmus 19:19:00
- @sebpatrick Rocky Horror PunkRock Show? in reply to sebpatrick 19:19:52
- RT@FakeAPStylebook STAR WARS Episodes IV-VI are to be referred to as "The Original Trilogy." Episodes I-III are not to be referred to at all 19:22:04
- @rachelgeorge Is that like hopping on a train to Milton Keynes by mistake? in reply to rachelgeorge 20:34:50
- @AnnLarimer @krazycat if I had twitter in the kitchen, I would have made one while I made my tea and my mum's milo! alas it is too low-tech in reply to AnnLarimer 22:39:54
- OMG Christopher Walken = <3 http://bit.ly/3MZOSk 22:48:57
- @rachelgeorge I dunno, I had been intending to head into London when I did it in reply to rachelgeorge 22:58:34