- @wilw I thought he was Senator Popentine myself in reply to wilw 11:17:30
- @ChrissieM I would <3 having the extended family over for Christmas. Today it's just me, my mum and my godmother for lunch. in reply to ChrissieM 11:34:45
- OMG 19:00:45
- @purpill I got a creative zen one (because I gave my mum strict instructions) and it is AWESOMESAUCE in reply to purpill 19:04:27
- @sebpatrick This is the greatest thing ever in reply to sebpatrick 19:06:37
- @sebpatrick Aside from the fact I am seeing AFI in April in reply to sebpatrick 19:06:47
- We had the best roast potatoes ever today, made with lots of delicious delicious LARD. And some extra virgin olive oil for effect. 19:08:20
- @smartmatt We somehow have 4 different kinds of EV Olive oil in our house. And then we have lard. in reply to smartmatt 19:38:33