- @jenneebee Is it…covered in beeeees? in reply to jenneebee ->
- @JohnDylanger That's kind of scary :/ in reply to JohnDylanger ->
- @grrlinterrupted No peanuts? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …but why put snicker in the name? laaamesauce in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- ♥ Days of the Phoenix by AFI #lastfm: http://t.co/IEJmPzx amazon: http://t.co/gKVXAxX ->
- ♥ Wester by AFI #lastfm: http://t.co/g05Cqe2 amazon: http://t.co/UdQPnsk ->
- I know it's been out a while now, but Patrick Wolf's latest album? So awesome. ->
- ♥ House by Patrick Wolf #lastfm: http://t.co/s68wIWL amazon: http://t.co/d0lS3Ic ->
- So the stuff in Torchwood has been going on for months right? WHERE IS THE DOCTOR? ->
- ♥ I Wrote The Book by Beth Ditto #lastfm: http://t.co/mOrJtIw ->
- Is it just me, or does it seem like Richard Armitage does the voice over for nearly every other advert? ->
- @catharsisjelly Not sure of your sanity, but you allllmost have the same birthday as me
in reply to catharsisjelly ->
- @sebpatrick I want people I know to own them. Because they're cool. But I don't wear trainers. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- The more I watch early X-Files, the more I keep wanting to shout at Mulder & Scully that they're not paranoid enough ->
- @newloveletter I KNOW. It's making me want to look into more recent Maroon 5 songs in reply to newloveletter ->
- Aw. The mad cow disease episode. ->
- Scully shooting Mulder will never get old. ->