- Yaaaaaarrrrrr. Me hearties. ->
- @ahlicake The article in the magazine that came with yesterday's newspaper mentioned Fassy's little Fassy and made me think of you.
in reply to ahlicake ->
- accidentally grating your own flesh hurts a lot less than i thought it would ->
- @ahlicake They didn't mention Viggo's family jewels though in the article, though he did get a mention. in reply to ahlicake ->
- @syn And yet it'll still be on tv here. :/ in reply to syn ->
- @ChrissieM *hughug* in reply to ChrissieM ->
- @CLEAVERLAND I know! I <3 how much ATR are involved with social networking. in reply to CLEAVERLAND ->
- Victoria Mint sponge! http://t.co/UkM1MGjJ ->
- Orange honeycomb & chocolate chip cupcakes! This time orange flavoured, not coloured http://t.co/9rYvKr3L ->
- Yay Krycek/Skinner reunion!!! ->
- Forgot I grated my thumb earlier, just attempted to wash off "jam" and restarted the bleeding. fail. ->
- I suspect Krycek's veins are filled with treachery rather than blood. ->
- @Zapsta @danielguntrip I always wonder where his shoes are in reply to danielguntrip ->