- @mrtonylee Isn't it just a cravat? in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @danocdj I'm actually delaying leaving the house to go to the Malaysian thing in Trafalgar Sq to listen to this Ben Howard song, it's aces ->
- omg trafalgar sq smells amazing ->
- @The_Ladylark :/ in reply to The_Ladylark ->
- Why are Emmerdale, Corrie and Eastenders all so depressing? ->
- @silverturnsgrey O_O If I lived in a universe filled with so many nasty conniving people, I would have taken rusty nails guns to all of them in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @ahlicake …or it is the smell of omg delicious Malaysian food.
in reply to ahlicake ->
- @ahlicake Um. Not sure – I assume pollution in reply to ahlicake ->
- @krazycat @catharsisjelly if you fancy making the journey & yr film is over, there is Malaysian food GALORE in Trafalgar Sq until 10pm in reply to krazycat ->
- @krazycat aw. never mind then
in reply to krazycat ->
- @silverturnsgrey I shall continue to live in my own Rachie-verse then
in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- Almost got excited that Crash was on tv. But it's the wrong Crash. X-Files it is then ->
- @deathboy I saw this, and for some reason, thought of you http://t.co/PMuKlToQ ->
- I had forgotten how much of an ass Scully's brother is ->