- @SuperCricket It's over and actually, yes, rocks DID fall. in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @SuperCricket AIM in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @SuperCricket WHERE IS MY CUPPA? in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @SuperCricket you are so meaaaan omg in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @deathboy @syn You realise you need a "Horse Whisperer" one right? in reply to deathboy ->
- @syn AND AND AND Charisma Carpenter in reply to syn ->
- @SuperCricket MUAHAHAHAHA I have a whole jar of it in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @SuperCricket I've been eating nutella on panettone. it is amazing in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @sebpatrick no. you're on a time loop whenever you switch to ITV2, sorry. it's a glitch in the latest upgrade in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @Perkins28
what's wrong with Watford? in reply to Perkins28 ->
- @syn MPREG IS A REALITY, NOT JUST A FIC OR A FILM? omg in reply to syn ->
- @grrlinterrupted :/ *SQUISHES YOU* in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @krazycat Probably a combination of different shops & different cuts :/ in reply to krazycat ->
- @SuperCricket You could have been watching Robin Hood! in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @krazycat weeeeeeeird in reply to krazycat ->
- I realise it's night right now, but my new daytime jimjams are amazeface. They are UBERcozy ->
- In other news, I think "amazeface" has replaced both "aces" and "awesomesauce" in my vocabulary ->