Albums of 2011

So, in the spirit of procrastination, here is my auto-generated albums of 2011 based on what thinks I’ve listened to. Obviously, this can’t include the CDs I listen to in my DVD player or car. Or mp3 player for that matter. BUT STILL. I don’t think I really bought many albums this year from this year.

5. Chapel ClubPalace

Released 31/1/2011
Ok, so Chapel Club… I didn’t actually buy their album. I think this is on the list because I kept listening to that one song, All The Eastern Girls. It’s a really good song.

4. Patrick WolfLupercalia

Released 20/6/2011
This is the only Patrick Wolf album I own, so I can really put it in context with his back-catalogue but I really like this. It’s the most loved up album that I’ve heard in a long time and it’s so happy and yay and weeee.

3. Dave HauseResolutions

Released 1/2/2011
So this album got released back in February, but I didn’t know anything about Dave Hause until I saw him on The Revival Tour back in October. He was epic then and at the Windmill in Brixton a few days later (when I bought the album). This is packed full of songs that are great to sing along to.

2. The Horrible CrowesElsie

Released 5/9/2011
I do love the Gaslight Anthem and the Horrible Crowes do sound a bit like them, what with sharing Brian Fallon and all. However, this is a different animal. Elsie is darker and more romantic than any of the Gaslight Anthem’s albums and I like the difference.

1. Frank TurnerEngland Keep My Bones

Released 6/6/2011
It was tough choosing between this and Elsie, but in the end it had to be done. Hearing Peggy Sang the Blues at Frank’s Brixton gig actually moved me to tears last year, because hearing about his cool grandma reminded me how great my own grandparents were. The whole album is full of songs about Englishness and mortality and belief and right now all of that really resonates with me. Even Hallelujah, the hymn for the modern atheist is great even if I can’t bring myself to sing along to it at gigs (I’ve tried, really, it just doesn’t happen – I put it down to getting a similar buzz from singing along at gigs that I get from really getting into singing worship music at church and…this song essentially being anti-worship and cancelling it out. *shrug* I dunno).

Created using OnDistantShores‘s Album Of The Year journal generator.

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