- @kakapojayne hehe I am excited beyond belief. I am astounded at how hot a dwarf Richard Armitage is. omgomgomgomgomgetc in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @ladderax_1 adddmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I am away from the LJ lameness and will have to investigate it on my return in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @MarkDoesStuff omgomgomg in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @cleolinda @lilithsaintcrow I had kind of been expecting it, but the magnitude of his attractiveness is off the scale in reply to cleolinda ->
- @krazycat *hughug* in reply to krazycat ->
- @eruvadhril DUDE I KNOW omg in reply to eruvadhril ->
- @kakapojayne I'm a massive Rarrrmitage fan, so I suspect I'll cope :D:D:D:D in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @anatsuno WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY @LiveJournal ? in reply to anatsuno ->
- @kakapojayne I'm excited for that because then he'll be in way more stuff, but at the same time… wow, he won't have a normal life at all in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @FeederHQ I am so excited!!! in reply to FeederHQ ->
- @anatsuno I has perm acc from back in the day. :/ I am not looking forward to checking this all out in reply to anatsuno ->
- I don't understand what mosquitoes are doing on the planet. for real. I don't care that the're part of the plot for Jurassic Park. ->
- My left arm basically resembles that of the elephant man. ->
- Hilariously, once again I suggested anti-malaria stuff to mum and she said…no point. ->
- On the other hand, my cousin has given me hydrocortisone and a mysterious tablet to take one of if it gets really bad ->
- so far, epic applications of tiger balm has turned the omgomgitchingomg into a more manageable searing stinging pain kind of sensation ->
- @deathboy wait wait wait, you're not forever young? in reply to deathboy ->