- @silverturnsgrey @grrlinterrupted SHOULD JUST BE NAMED PETER in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @silverturnsgrey @grrlinterrupted
MUAHAHAHAHAH in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @wanderlustlover *sends iconssss* in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @RobertKazinsky the warm, bright and sunny weather?
in reply to RobertKazinsky ->
- @ChrissieM Augh. Now I want nasi lemak in reply to ChrissieM ->
- @eoincmacken Maybe he's realised you were going to be reviewing his skills this morning…? in reply to eoincmacken ->
- So…Shelia's Wheels just hung up on my mum for no reason… ->
- And of course, the bad start (along with a letter to call them but them not knowing what it's about) only results in her getting shirty… ->
- …with the unwitting victim on the other end of the phone. She seems to be only minorly shirty so far… ->
- @eoincmacken How about I drink the coffee and watch you try to swim the Thames? in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @Alawston Hah. It was getting to the tail end of that sort of thing when *I* was a teenager in reply to Alawston ->
- @wedge_225 @MadeFromCorpses I found his morels in the kitchen, they were delicious fried with a little butter in reply to wedge_225 ->
- @SuperCricket O_O in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @eoincmacken …and the method behind your tweeting becomes clear in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @SuperCricket a response! in reply to SuperCricket ->
- @fart and to think could just text "stop" and it would put them out of their misery in reply to fart ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Ahaha I was going to ask if your hos required painting and were titchysmall in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->