- @ladderax_1 The other one is the "where are you from?" hilarity, where when I answer "England" they say "but where are you FROM?" in reply to ladderax_1 ->
- @gareth53 Came across yr blog entry on xfm buzz from last year- fascinating stuff! Would love for xfm site to be a bit more interactive ->
- @kipoti Not at all. You LOVE @fthc and it would reflect a time in your life when you did. I've been pondering an @AFI one for years now… in reply to kipoti ->
- Don't use instagram. Minimally use facebook. Still interesting to see what'll happen though ->
- @gareth53 any of that would be awesome, I'll keep an eye out for developments from XFM web elves.
in reply to gareth53 ->
- @wanderlustlover facebook bought instagram for one biiiiilliiiion dollars in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @wanderlustlover …Guy trying on his armour? >.< heee in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @Gulon Aren't they being collected tomorrow then, what with today being a bank holiday? in reply to Gulon ->
- @wanderlustlover O_O That's…terrible! in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @rickedwards1 …taking them off isn't an option? in reply to rickedwards1 ->
- @wanderlustlover @trelali I also want these things! I look at the clock and wonder when is it Amanda-hometime? And I have no idea! in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @rickedwards1 The only thing that could make it worse, is if you were wearing an itchy jumper as well in reply to rickedwards1 ->
- @krazycat *hughug* in reply to krazycat ->