- @zombiewes I'm going to see Dave Hause and chums tonight instead
:D:D:D in reply to zombiewes ->
- @laurenlaverne They get really uncomfortable when I tell them this is how my face looks and ask what they have against it in reply to laurenlaverne ->
- @AnnLarimer ICH LIEBE DICH.
- @syn Wow. Admittedly, I didn't finish reading it when I had a go (I was 13 and got distracted by…a new Star Trek novel). :/ in reply to syn ->
- Excellent. Thunder, lightning and GIANT HAIL. ->
- @grrlinterrupted Did you go for "humanity" instead? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- am sure barfly was bigger last time i was here. ->
- just realised i'll be here in exactly a month to see @hausedave again! ->
- @zombiewes @fthc is in the building too… ->
- so i saw billy bragg on telly last night & now i'll be seeing him live… ->
- ahaha frank's on stage ->
- @zombiewes bragg & turner just covered dylan. soz ->
- @silverturnsgrey totally yes way!
- @eoincmacken Haha. If you're the type to get freaked out by a talking breakfast then bad I suppose…:) in reply to eoincmacken ->
- Ahaha omg so tired, but tonight was aces
Billy Bragg w/Frank Turner covering Bob Dylan = awesomesauce. Also Dave Hause = <3 ->
- @emmaprew @chuckraganfacts Um. I left at about 10.30pm so that I could get into bed at a reasonable hour… in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew Ahah yeah, caught about 3 songs. There're ok. Admittedly I was really there to see Dave Hause… in reply to emmaprew ->
- @zombiewes they might do it again tomorrow night though… in reply to zombiewes ->