Daily Digest for April 15th

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EH4C1282 by BenMorse http://flic.kr/p/bMnE9v
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EH4C1544 by BenMorse http://flic.kr/p/bysZ49
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EH4C1605 by BenMorse http://flic.kr/p/bMnFTD
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EH4C1980 by BenMorse http://flic.kr/p/byt1Hq
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EH4C1984 by BenMorse http://flic.kr/p/bMnHzx
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Published (xxx).
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Published Photo.
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Published Photo.
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(via Warren Ellis » instageist 14apr12)

Oh god. I want...
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Warning: Missing argument 2 for Lifestream::get_anchor_html(), called in /home/hdshadow/herdivineshadow.com/journals/wp-content/plugins/wp-lifestream2/extensions/tumblr/extension.inc.php on line 66 and defined in /home/hdshadow/herdivineshadow.com/journals/wp-content/plugins/wp-lifestream2/inc/core.php on line 761
Lauren Laverne on the best of British fashion [herdivineshadowhttp://herdivineshadow.tumblr.com/post/21140828599]
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psIMGP6492 by faultycamera http://flic.kr/p/bMxfUg
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kingscrossapr2012a by ianwyliephoto http://flic.kr/p/byEo33
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