- Though I only had 3/4 of an easter egg left. Turns out I've also still got a whole large lindt bunny ->
- @snacky @anatsuno Yeah, the way I see it, freeform tags on AO3 should give info about the fic whereas on tumblr due to the format… in reply to snacky ->
- @snacky @anatsuno …tags there are like meta-commentary on the main meat of the tumbld item in reply to snacky ->
- @snacky @anatsuno O_o I only accept that kind of tagging shenanigans on tumblr. definitely in reply to snacky ->
- @snacky BASICALLY, you need a filter that will remove any fic with a tag that mentions "feels" or "these are my choices" from your searches in reply to snacky ->
- “Never Buy The Sun†by Billy Bragg is my new jam. ♫ http://t.co/GmzvM0n4 ->
- Video: Millon Dead – Girlfriend in a Coma (The Smiths cover) (by bethandthemusic) http://t.co/cVYtUsWY ->
- @sebpatrick Only really mentioned in the wake of the film or in my German lessons at school. Use "playschool" or "playgroup" instead mostly in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @xfm @stevexfm Indie Covers – there's a few good ones here: http://t.co/SIGn4WKE ->
- @xfm @stevexfm Once Upon A Time starts on channel 5 at 8pm for those of us staying in… ->
- @xfm Frank Turner please! Just found more pink confetti in my bag from Friday
- I do like how setlist scrobbler adds songs from gigs I've been to to my last.fm account ->
- @Jook It does rely on setlist.fm having the setlist and doesn't tend to scrobble the support acts…but what can you do…? in reply to Jook ->
- @Jook …well. other than manually scrobbling the support acts, I suppose. But I'm too lazy for that in reply to Jook ->
- @onceon5 Ahah. I totally zoned out and missed that bit. Thanks in reply to onceon5 ->
- @RobertKazinsky Woah. Been down the gym?
in reply to RobertKazinsky ->
- That optimum conditions for working on my essay occur at night when everyone else is asleep and I'm starting to get tired? Annoying ->