- @thisisyourfault All I know about the rest is that old people shag. I'm sticking to the Rarrrmitage parts, they're safest. in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault …I do not even remember seeing him in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @emmaprew GO YOU in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew Handy! in reply to emmaprew ->
- @thisisyourfault ahaha omg http://t.co/zsKIVO34 ->
- ♥ A Chance Of Rain by Bedouin Soundclash #lastfm: http://t.co/4qPDF3BZ ->
- @JamesHunt Actually….no. But then I've been on a sort of Avengers tumblr frenzy for the last couple of weeks… in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @thisisyourfault O_O HERE http://t.co/zvvMH30o sneak-birthday-peek at my epic mix
in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault Ahah if you were wondering why Guy friended you over on DW. I am less dissatisfied with the photoshoppery now I've not… in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault …been staring at it and poking it for a while. HOWEVER. Why does tumblr only have one audio upload a day
in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @silverturnsgrey @grrlinterrupted Keira Knightley's old boyfriend? in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @silverturnsgrey @grrlinterrupted Also, the Sheriff on Once Upon a Time on Channel 5 I believe in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @silverturnsgrey @grrlinterrupted 8pm Sunday is the next episode.
in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @silverturnsgrey @grrlinterrupted Well, 4 episodes in and I'm kind of unmoved. It's nice to look at but the characters are a bit bland in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @silverturnsgrey @grrlinterrupted I'm told it gets better though and the USians I follow are like.. .OMGOMG about it in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @grrlinterrupted @silverturnsgrey Also Robert Carlyyyyyyyyyyle in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @thisisyourfault Once again, I'm afraid Rarrmitage has not yet mastered bilocation in order to express my birthday wishes in person.
in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault …you are declining Rarrrmitage? O_o in reply to thisisyourfault ->