- @Topomanyare The issue is that it's sex you weren't a participant in, isn't it? in reply to Topomanyare ->
- Ahah. John Barrowman on tv right now. Can't stop giggling ->
- …think I just heard old school planes overhead. I admit, the flypast is the most exciting part of the whole Jubilee thing for me ->
- Mostly because they'll fly over my house on the way back ->
- @TehChrissie Thanks
Possibly most entertaining was my mum's random commentary on this end in reply to TehChrissie ->
- I'm pretty impressed by the guys riding horses and playing musical instruments at the same time ->
- @eoincmacken Just be thankful you don't feel like a ken doll in the sense that Alan Rickman was in Dogma in reply to eoincmacken ->
- Watching the CSI: NY episode where Flack and Stella are racist and disrespectful to a religious space. Excellent. ->
- @DHLinton If you've got bread, philly & branston sandwiches. in reply to DHLinton ->
- …just re-bought a CD I first got in 2003 because I have too many CDs to know what I've done with it. One day, I will reorder them ->
- Today is not that day though. They're currently mostly in chronological order of when I bought them. But I'm missing a rack from 2002/3 ->
- @emmaprew OH GOD I AM EXCITED in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew I'm going to see Stewart Lee on Saturday so there's a bit of excite for that mixed in too
in reply to emmaprew ->
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