- @magpiewhale The commentaries are the best though. Especially the one where Jonas gets indignant when Lucy says she was really looking… ->
- @magpiewhale …forward to the next bit. Which was snogging Armitage. And you can HEAR ARMITAGE BLUSHING. ->
- @magpiewhale WATCH SHAKESPEARE RETOLD. The Scottish one has ARRRMITAGE in it. And McAvoy. And other people. DOO IITTT in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @Huma_Qureshi @katbrown82 @guardian Excellent! Thanks
in reply to Huma_Qureshi ->
- @magpiewhale @ceitfianna …so long as you believe that scene where MacDuff finds out his wife and kids are dead is flawless, I'll forgive u in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale @ceitfianna And if you liked Taming of the Shrew. in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale I don't understand why Joe was in NONE of the additional features
in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale I KNOW. AUGH. WRITE TO HIM. DEMAND ANSWERS. in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale DO THAT YES. Don't ask if he will have your babies though. That's too far. in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale TWO THINGS. Watch Between The Sheets. But only the Joe scenes and the ones where Armitage is naked or playing footsie. in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale SECOND THING. You've seen the thing they did for Children In Need right? in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale SURPRISE THIRD ITEM: http://t.co/NqSHaEsq in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @ceitfianna http://t.co/4wbQ55OU Ranges from bad to deeply uncomfortable aside from those naked scenes & one scene getting it on, on a sofa in reply to ceitfianna ->
- @ceitfianna I've got the DVD boxset and have still only really seen those scenes. The rest I kind of skipped over. Even the Armitage ones :/ in reply to ceitfianna ->
- @magpiewhale HOW AWESOME IS IT? HOW GREAT IS THAT BACK VIEW OF GUY IN LEATHER TROUSERS? in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale uh. I believe I got mine from Amazon :/ in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale The thing they did with Armitage, Sting and Trudy thingybob was really cute. in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale OH. Also watch Sparkhouse. Has Alun and Armitage in reply to magpiewhale ->