- I know I said it earlier in the week, but I still have a lot of feels about the new @gaslightanthem album. A lot of feels. #zomg #awesome ->
- @Xfm @BillyLozowski @xfm @eoghanmcdermo Is it bad that I've immediately thought of a vibrating fleshlight hooked up to an ipod? Sorry :/ in reply to Xfm ->
- @silverturnsgrey have hot chocolate!
in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @MarkDoesStuff OH GOD SO EXCITE in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @JamesHunt @sebpatrick Heh yeah, I was going to mention that. Still. 17 days till the DVD and you could sit right up close to the telly in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @silverturnsgrey VIRGIN MOJITO THEN. A ROOTBEER FLOAT WITH VEGAN ICE CREAM. Um. in reply to silverturnsgrey ->
- @thelifeof_rose I like it. Any idea what Tilda's character is called? in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @thelifeof_rose Add them to the list. They shall be first up against the wall when the revolution comes. #muahahahaha in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @thelifeof_rose well. write a really good description on the line and our minions can sort that out when we take power.
in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @syn I was thinking about that, but decided I'd have to wait till I had a job/it cost less and enough of my friends were there in reply to syn ->
- Scallops fried in butter with peashoots and greek basil? Why yes, yes it IS magically delicious. ->
- @Botanygeek Definitely have to check them out next time I'm at Wing Yip then in reply to Botanygeek ->
- Have just discovered that my university apparently offers a Masters in "Gothic".
- Have failed to find out how much I'm supposed to be paying for the next year though. Though you'd think they'd post me something about that ->
- It's like herding cats. Only while cats are suspicious of me, they do actually pay some attention to what I'm doing ->
- In other news: IT'S WHO DAY. ->
- @syn
http://t.co/gMeMHeeO I think watching Candyman and Hellraiser as a child broke me for Who
in reply to syn ->
- @emmaprew Gaslight on bbc2 now ->