- @anatsuno Haha yeah, I did that a while back and gave up http://t.co/39PC4eFU and http://t.co/jT4gQG01 in reply to anatsuno ->
- Do you think Jeremy Hunt would endorse homeopathic voting for the Conservatives? ->
- No UKMail. Your website is wrong, my parcel has not been "delivered" because I have the card right here saying hasn't been. ->
- So folks, what do I want to study "Creating France: From St Louis to Sarkozy" or "The Holy Land"? Hmmm ->
- @syn I only know the"Hero" sung by… Mariah Carey? Hmm in reply to syn ->
- Sparkly dress has arrived. Doesn't fit around chest. Fail. Going to have to go to an actual shop and try things on. ->
- At least I have magnetic effect nail varnish to console me ->
- @stevexfm How much of your Libs love is made of the nostalgia for the great times you've had going to see them? More now than before? in reply to stevexfm ->
- How much of your current love for your favourite band is comprised of the nostalgia for the good times you've had listening to them? ->
- @nedhepburn Watching Eastenders. in reply to nedhepburn ->
- So, my mum's categorically not interested in WOHS. For those of you that know/remember ->
- @anatsuno Hahah most random place to cut an url in reply to anatsuno ->
- I've only got 3 Friendly Fires songs on my ancient mp3 player and this is one of them. ♫ http://t.co/lBsbuy95 ->
- @Thor2themovie Sif being really badass. in reply to Thor2themovie ->
- @grrlinterrupted Chain Reaction is on Film4. It has a slightly beardy Keanu and SCIENCE. in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted …I'm not seeing this as a reason not to watch him and his odd running again… in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted PAH. I shall. I also DEMAND that you dream about Keanu doing science. SCIIIIENCE in reply to grrlinterrupted ->