- And I'm never sure if I've poured in enough food colouring to make any cake green or blue or whatever. ->
- Also, I took it out the over 10 minutes early. In my defence, it looks and smells done, plus my recipe is all old school measures ->
- Now for the exploding stage. I entirely blame Judge Dredd for this development ->
- @understood 9pm on the 10th then? I'm aiming to get to the Sigur Ros film on 12th in reply to understood ->
- @JamesHunt That's because they were bland and dressed in yellow.
in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @Hedgeypig hah oops. I've managed blue pretty successfully before, it's green I have the problems with in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @understood Should be ok – lasts 90mins, so if it starts right away then it'll be finished by 10.30pm and I can hop on the train home then in reply to understood ->
- @understood Heheh For Love's Sake, Antiviral and Doomsday are all on my list too! Painless would be but… I don't know if I'm at uni then in reply to understood ->
- @understood So, the one space on my convoluted timetabling where it fits might be taken up by study instead. Going to have to wait on that in reply to understood ->
- @understood Antiviral 2.45pm on 14th? It's a Sunday in reply to understood ->
- @understood I…don't have any serious ones on my list I think. Apart from Zaytoun that might be handy for my degree in reply to understood ->
- @understood Nooo noo love. Just conflict.Part of my degree is conflict resolution so the link is pretty tenuous in reply to understood ->
- @understood I think that overlaps with Love, Marilyn though HMMM in reply to understood ->
- @understood It works like this: I get out of bed when my alarm goes off tomoro, buy 2 tickets and give one to your for yr birthday
in reply to understood ->
- I'm going to need a map and a spreadsheet. ->
- @understood Yaaaay in reply to understood ->
- @understood @AnthonySteele Plus we have an on-going plan for world domination to work on… in reply to understood ->
- @understood @AnthonySteele I thought we were both oscillating between each state?
in reply to understood ->
- @understood @AnthonySteele Exactly that in reply to understood ->
- @DickLeFenwick OH GOD THIS. SO MUCH THIS. AUGH. in reply to DickLeFenwick ->