- Hah, the only reason I didn't go over-budget on my @BFI LFF spree is because some of my tickets are concession prices ->
- @mstorijo @alittlestranger Hah I thought you might.
in reply to mstorijo ->
- And now, time to find a pair of latex gloves so I don't turn into a smurf while I was my hair ->
- @BFI Does everyone using Visa have a problem or is it just some people do you know? My order seemed to go through fine in reply to BFI ->
- Have booked all my tickets for the @BFI London Film Festival online already annnnd the printed guide for it just dropped through the post ->
- @understood And alcohol! My Dad would vom after half a pint and my Mum is Chinese…I was never going to predisposed towards liking it! in reply to understood ->
- @LFFstubs I got £150, but an hour with a pen and paper and a copy of the schedule last night means that I'll be going to all I bought! in reply to LFFstubs ->
- @kakapojayne I do block lots of accounts, but it's generally spam ones that follow me in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @hannoir Maybe the tinnitus that makes my hearing more sensitive is cancelling it out… or something in reply to hannoir ->
- @alittlestranger @rickedwards1 The solution for both problems is to stand inappropriately close to the culprit till they feel awkward & move in reply to alittlestranger ->
- @syn It's kind of baffling to me how they're only bringing 3 in 1 to the UK now. I've had the tea version when in Malaysia for yeaaars in reply to syn ->
- @JamesHunt The end pieces are the best for epic bacon & cheese sandwiches. in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @JamesHunt Also good with some slices of fried tomato. The structural integrity of the end bits keeps it together while absorbing the grease in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @nikki @McKelvie Surely some epic-sized mince pie would be more appropriate? in reply to nikki ->