- Although looking at twitter, it looks like @BritishGas don't have a good track record going today… ->
- @JamesHunt Ahaha God no. in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @petitmew We went on that at the weekend, I decided not to mention that part in reply to petitmew ->
- @Hedgeypig You should only feel guilty if you accidentally ate mini armadillos instead in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @understood SO CALL ME MAAAAYBE. *chairdances* in reply to understood ->
- @petitmew My mum's got a hit and miss relationship with her oystercard too… in reply to petitmew ->
- In honour of Peace Day… I'm having my post-lunch cuppa in a @PeaceOneDay mug. ->
- "I must go on The Facebook." – My mum there. And The Facebook ->
- In fact, it's @PeaceOneDay mugs all round in our house. ->
- Reminded that I must get lemonade, in order to try the tea & lemonade combo I heard about ->
- Today I stand for #PEACE! I’m supporting #PeaceDay and #GlobalTruce2012. http://t.co/cHPYkDMt ->
- Overheard in Costco: "SHE'S GOT BLUE HAIR. SHE'S GOT BLUE HAIR." followed by the sound of someone RAPIDLY wheeling their kid away ->
- It's not that I intimidate parents of young children, but… ->
- The other thing about Costco is that the layout is the same in all stores everywhere. So it freaks you out when the odd one is mirrored ->
- @mrtonylee Would you rather be Dr Seward, Quincey Morris or Jonathan Harker? in reply to mrtonylee ->
- @ZacharyLevi The luxury of having blue hair means I never have to bother fiddling with foils – I just slap the bleach on & hope for the best in reply to ZacharyLevi ->
- @mrtonylee Everyone would rather be Van Helsing I suspect
in reply to mrtonylee ->
- I'm playing #JOEVSJOE to win great Looper film prizes. Join in using my unique recruitment code & follow @LooperUK http://t.co/lGP3rpmA ->