- BOROMIR ;_; #fotr ->
- @AnthonySteele I can't even think of a suitable punishment for such wordplay in reply to AnthonySteele ->
- Aragorn's slight hint of west country there. Saw Viggo interviewed earlier in the year and he talked about that ->
- The inconsistency with the accent on occasion is where the plan was to sort it out later and…didn't. Heh. ->
- See, when I watch Fellowship on DVD, I skip over everything that is solely Sam and Frodo, cos they are my least favourite ->
- Not sure if it's because I just don't like Frodo. Or because I don't like Samwise. Probably both really ->
- @danielguntrip Won't you get alcohol poisoning? in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @danielguntrip You should do the Jackie Chan's Who Am I? drinking game and see which is more alcoholic in reply to danielguntrip ->
- I saw the dead!Boromir model when the LotR exhibition came to the Science Museum. It was unsettling. ->
- Temptation to tweet about The Incredibles as if I was watching Downton. Resisting so far ->
- @JamesHunt @sebpatrick @crayman Also, Matt Smith looked pretty dapper. Which I wasn't expecting. And… you might not be interested in in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @sebpatrick @JamesHunt @crayman Also, I <3 period dramas. So period drama in my scifi? AMAZEFACE in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @OllieMogs Not at all. The bits with Gollum? Great. The bits with Faramir? Great. Them roadtrippin' alone? annoying in reply to OllieMogs ->
- @grrlinterrupted I used to use Milton tablets in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @sebpatrick My cousin saved that for Christmas Eve. In fairness, it was an "auspicious" date. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @petitmew My mum keeps saying she wants one. Or an iPhone. Told her she doesn't need any of it and that i also refuse to tech support Apple in reply to petitmew ->
- @sebpatrick Also, this would have been in Malaysia
in reply to sebpatrick ->