- @auntyel Somehow I've seen the same one episode of her show 3 times. She puts figs on a pizza as if it's unusual in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel I don't like whoever it is that does Barefoot Contessa either. Don't like her presenting style in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel And now.. back to Incredible Hulk now that I know who this Simon you were talking about is…
- @auntyel I know he did a book about al Qaeda before 9/11 & that for a while it looked like he wore the same shirt all the time, but… in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel …actually just had a whole bunch of identical shirts made one time when filming in Thailand or somewhere in reply to auntyel ->
- @chrisboote I've spoken to some USians that didn't understand why I didn't learn about US history at school. It was weird in reply to chrisboote ->
- @auntyel He does really good TV – did a show on India last year in reply to auntyel ->
- @Wugmuffin @auntyel Of course. If there is nothing else on, but I want to watch food, I have to watch her on mute in reply to Wugmuffin ->
- @damianjohnson Are you going to try to smuggle in extra items on that order or will she notice? in reply to damianjohnson ->
- @auntyel What what? What's this? Hot science guys? WHERE? in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel OH WAIT. Do you mean Brian Cox? in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel I like him. He did the science commentary on the Sunshine dvd which makes it less sadface to watch in reply to auntyel ->
- @damianjohnson Ahah illicit cash-only black market toys it is then… in reply to damianjohnson ->
- @auntyel I have Richard Armitage for that. Who has done audiobooks. One of which is like… 10 hours. in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Brian has not yet sufficiently explained the universe to my mum though. Might have to get her more DVDs in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel Not even an excuse, I legit had to explain how the seasons work re: orbit of planet YET AGAIN to my mum yesterday in reply to auntyel ->
- @grrlinterrupted Is he in the Camomile Lawn or is that Toby Stephens? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @auntyel It's kind of hilarious cos when I had these questions as a kid, I had to read books to find out since she couldn't tell me in reply to auntyel ->
- @auntyel …and my Dad's explanations weren't in enough detail. #nerdforlife in reply to auntyel ->
- @chrisboote Aside from the vast amounts of UK and European history. And Indian history. And Chinese history etc etc
in reply to chrisboote ->