- @Andy_Hogan Better get eating
Hope you're not lactose intolerant in reply to Andy_Hogan ->
- Guys guys guys!!! IT'S LENT OMGOMG
- @nikki I think it is your duty to and then take pictures of it for me to seeeeeeeeeee in reply to nikki ->
- Augh. Really not in the mood to go to university. OTOH might get interesting actual serious Pope discussion… ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Gabriel Bruce (6), Night Beds (2) & Air (1) http://t.co/TZXnbZRs ->
- @grrlinterrupted Don't forget all the chocolate that will be half-price on Friday too! in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted @BedeliaJane Heh well, I do the same at Easter and get my egg on Easter Monday. I do buy it from Hotel Chocolat though… in reply to grrlinterrupted ->