- @grrlinterrupted But the actress who plays Lady Macbeth is also wee so it works out relatively
in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @thelifeof_rose Is it just me, or did Flaunt delete their rude tweet? ->
- @thelifeof_rose Wonder what that will do for my Storify thing I was collating to see how folks were doing finding the magazine in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @thelifeof_rose Ta-da http://t.co/6SRrI7nzmt in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @thelifeof_rose SAUCY. ALSO. IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY. AND RDJ'S BIRTHDAY. YOU ARE BIRTHDAY TWINS. in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @fuggirls I love this film. in reply to fuggirls ->
- @thelifeof_rose When I was trying to figure out how to buy it I found this but figured they might've changed in 3 yrs http://t.co/ecnsIfCJmb in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @magnacarta13 @thelifeof_rose Just goes to show, if you're rude online nothing will ever truly be deleted. in reply to magnacarta13 ->
- @lori_konecki @thelifeof_rose Should be able to press the blue "read next page" button at the bottom? Don't need to sign in in reply to lori_konecki ->
- @lokiarty @LulaMadison I had no luck at all. OTOH Hunger mag was super easy to get hold of today, might write & ask them to do Tom interview in reply to lokiarty ->
- @lokiarty @LulaMadison GOOD NEWS (possibly) FROM TUMBLR http://t.co/vITSuyjlWb in reply to lokiarty ->
- @syn What are your thoughts on the Creme Egg ice cream? in reply to syn ->
- @cyndinmifox @thelifeof_rose Maybe, but even so they've put me off trying to buy it with their rudeness. :/ in reply to cyndinmifox ->
- @jamesyuill I got lucky with mine & they took out my adult molars before the wisdom teeth had a chance to cause any trouble. in reply to jamesyuill ->
- @lokiarty http://t.co/FadP5OOdsI in reply to lokiarty ->
- I do like how the Bowie documentary was right before Life Aquatic, which is choc full of Bowie songs ->
- @mstorijo Did you say that he had soup on his jumper? in reply to mstorijo ->
- @newloveletter Do it. in reply to newloveletter ->