- @auntyel I'd probably go with "tea?" followed sharply by "scone?" in reply to auntyel ->
- @wanderlustlover AO3 has a journal function? in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- @auntyel the new history curriculum should have more tea in it in reply to auntyel ->
- @sallamino I'd go with her crazy dystopian re-imagining of society if voting, drinking & driving age was also 13, & there was mandatory… in reply to sallamino ->
- @sallamino …euthanasia as soon as you hit 20. Basically, the Running Man universe. But younger. in reply to sallamino ->
- @sallamino But I'd ban smoking. Of course. in reply to sallamino ->
- @dreaminred Gavin Rossdale has to be pushing 50 right? because he was surprisingly old last time I thought about it about 5-8 years ago in reply to dreaminred ->
- @Jook Thinking about it, I could probably do with decent warm up exercise before some gigs. I'd hurt less after in reply to Jook ->
- @danielguntrip It's not the same since the redesign
I can't make it say that people are bacon experts in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @auntyel You have reminded me that I have a rhubarb & custard lolly!
in reply to auntyel ->
- @Perkins28 Get him to demonstrate his English accent for you. He's bound to have perfected it over the last few days in reply to Perkins28 ->
- @wanderlustlover A THING. RELEVANT TO YR INTERESTS http://t.co/HSOVjo1Elz in reply to wanderlustlover ->