- @AudioGO_UK Will there be 8 books in Part 2 of the Fleming Classic Bond box set? in reply to AudioGO_UK ->
- @Isdancing @thelifeof_rose Well, if I looked at the page & realised I wanted all of them, I figured I should SHARE MY PAAAAAAIN
in reply to Isdancing ->
- @Isdancing @thelifeof_rose Heh For me that's Tennant and Bonneville – not a fan of their voices in reply to Isdancing ->
- @Isdancing @thelifeof_rose Nooo listen to the samples on the site, Nighy is pretty good in reply to Isdancing ->
- @Isdancing @thelifeof_rose I'm trying not to look at the rest of the site because it's only going to be bad for my purse in reply to Isdancing ->
- @FutureSwede Heh yeah, although he must have been doing something when not doing the film stuff we knew about in reply to FutureSwede ->
- @FutureSwede Heh well, I'm avoiding looking at every other page of that site (I did sneak a look at the Heyer stuff… in reply to FutureSwede ->
- @FutureSwede …and was reassured that they've not got Richard Armitage in to do more) in reply to FutureSwede ->
- @FutureSwede Armitage's go on the Robin Hood audiobooks is hilarious when he does Marian's voice!
in reply to FutureSwede ->
- @Amy_said @Isdancing @thelifeof_rose …unless UK folks are willing to ship on for you in reply to Amy_said ->
- @auntyel The best thing I've found is to say "I don't get it" and wait for them to explain. Punchline: "Maybe you're just not funny" in reply to auntyel ->
- @HenryCavillOrg I've come over a bit unnecessary. I was not sufficiently braced for *that* in reply to HenryCavillOrg ->
- @_Cogs Unless you had an underscore at the beginning of your username… in reply to _Cogs ->
- @_Cogs I got a permanent account back in the day, so I'm trying to get my money's worth still in reply to _Cogs ->
- @_Cogs I think the thing that keeps me going back to mine is how Mulder&Scully-ified I made it. in reply to _Cogs ->
- @ianloring IT IS AWESOME ON A BIG SCREEN. And funny in the best way in reply to ianloring ->
- @parodyofvirtue Probably, so long as it makes sense in the context of the characters in reply to parodyofvirtue ->