- RT @noproperlady: @RobertKazinsky today in Pacific Rim canon is Chuck Hansen's bday, so a friend & I celebrated! http://t.co/CvMXub9xbd ->
- Mum's looking through the cupboards saying things like "WHO BOUGHT ALL THIS SPAGHETTI?!!??" and "THE BEEF STOCK CUBES!?!?!" ->
- The thing is, right, she's the one that buys all the things that I put in that cupboard because… I don't use them. ->
- The stuff that I use when cooking goes in the other cupboard that's easier to reach.
- Yes, I am perpetuating a subtle culinary conspiracy in my own home. What of it? ->
- @dreaminred That would make sense, if the stuff was difficult to find. This cupboard's slightly to the right of the other one in reply to dreaminred ->
- Finally happened – an ebay seller has left me feedback before I've left them feedback. It's only taken 10 years ->
- RT @GooglePoetics: I really hate God
I really hate goodbyes
I really hate going to funerals - @ThisIsMyJam YESSSSSS OPERA in reply to ThisIsMyJam ->
- @grrlinterrupted That's the one where Kirk is just sprawled over the Captain's chair in his pants for 2hrs right? in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Bones: "You coulda least put some pants on, Jim. I know I'm yr doctor but…" in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted And then I like to think Uhura accidentally spills ice tea into his lap to make him put clothes on in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @zombiewes same height, it's just not above the worktop where I chop stuff in reply to zombiewes ->
- @stonemesteve That's awesome
in reply to stonemesteve ->
- @grrlinterrupted PFFT Uhura has to get tired of his shenanigans on a weekly basis in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- I just liked "Men at Work vs. 50 Cent – Down Under Club" on Vimeo: http://t.co/F5K5Eou2kT ->
- Have finally succeeded on the "don't let the sun shine" thing entirely by accident. Currently failing "don't let it rain" ->
- "Do you know what are the two top banks in England?" "No" "Will Google know?" ->
- These are the things I get asked, instead of Google actually being consulted ->
- @ChrissieM Sometimes, but mostly because I'd like to know how it tasted cooked. in reply to ChrissieM ->
- @ChrissieM I thought about it even more after I saw Antiviral though
in reply to ChrissieM ->
- Just realised I'm listening to a NIN/Carly Rae Jepsen mashup ->
- RT @stopthatimp: cassie clare is metaphysical proof that playing fair is for suckers ->
- @ChrissieM It's good! I recommend it in reply to ChrissieM ->
- @JuiceBrighton Could you play Feeder pls? ->
- @RonniPudding @eoincmacken I have one of those. It's WAY more exciting than it has any right to be in reply to RonniPudding ->
- RT @queerly_it_is: I bet somewhere in her prophecies Agnes Nutter wrote, "DO NOTTE READ THE COMMENTS" ->
- Listening to Feeder on the radio = forever feeling warm and fuzzy ->
- @stonemesteve Thanks Steve
- @grrlinterrupted ahah omg http://t.co/21DMTH8lNF ->
- My mum's addicted to chocolate mini milks ->
- @newloveletter Same. in reply to newloveletter ->
- @newloveletter :O in reply to newloveletter ->
- @parodyofvirtue Is that the one where women reproduce without dying? in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- @newloveletter Y'know, I thought it was just kitchen knives & the like, but I guess like.. big scissor would be a thing too in reply to newloveletter ->
- @parodyofvirtue I was listening to that on Radio 4 a while back! in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- Yessss. Some of Jay Malinowski's gig in Madrid from June is on teh youtubes ->
- @misslilypotkin It's like the beginning of a zany comedy in reply to misslilypotkin ->
- @parodyofvirtue Do you have to be logged in? in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- @gavmr And yet there are people complaining about Tauriel in the next films :/ in reply to gavmr ->
- @gavmr brand new made up character to attempt to counter the sausagefest a bit in reply to gavmr ->
- @gavmr That's how Tolkien wrote it. All the men get to do exciting stuff. Galadriel is superbadass throughout but no one else really in reply to gavmr ->
- @parodyofvirtue but…why does it say login on the bottom right corner? or am I misreading? that's weeeird in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- @parodyofvirtue so maybe there is a play button on the logged in screen
give him a magnifying glass & set him to look for it in reply to parodyofvirtue ->
- @gavmr I guess I'm thinking of some of the stuff she's involved in in the Silmarillion/Unfinished Tales where she one of the rebellion… in reply to gavmr ->
- @gavmr …leaders. All elves are ethereal & godlike, so not sure that part is really an issue in her cas in reply to gavmr ->
- @gavmr hahah I still loved The Hobbit film though, but I acknowledge that the source text is rubbish for the ladies in reply to gavmr ->
- @gavmr I'm waiting for the extended DVDs
:D:D in reply to gavmr ->
- @gavmr Bilbo has a female relative, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins that he doesn't like, but I don't know if she's in the film in reply to gavmr ->
- @gavmr Have you seen the AWESOME DWARVEN LADIES though? in reply to gavmr ->
- @gavmr ALSO, given that orcs are a corruption of elves & Saruman's uruk-hai are born in podthings – do orcs have a binary gender system? in reply to gavmr ->