- @charliesaidthat Is that a yes to being left some kind of weird pottery item? in reply to charliesaidthat ->
- @charliesaidthat You and @piratemoggy are having Secret Avengers Hawkeye & Black Widow adventures aren't you? This sounds v Hawkeye in reply to charliesaidthat ->
- @charliesaidthat @piratemoggy But what kind of supervillain would compel you to speak only in haikus?! THE FIEND in reply to charliesaidthat ->
- RT @NASA: Things to Look for in #Orion's Flight Test:
#2: Orion is exposed protective panels & the abort system jettison http://t.co/oemcQ… ->
- William Lloyd Webber. Princeps Pacis (The Prince of Peace), Mass for Cho…: http://t.co/WwEW4QsPyp <- this is what we are singing for Xmas ->
- @charliesaidthat @piratemoggy WELL this will be right up yr alley http://t.co/IO0GsoKad8 in reply to charliesaidthat ->
- Latin is definitely the best language for singing in ->
- This guy on NASA tv is pretty cute ->
- When I was little I got to see a launch at the Kennedy Space Center and it was AMAZING. It was actually better than Disney World. FOR REALS. ->
- I think my Dad was unwell so he stayed in the hotel room and watched on TV but he could still feel the ground shaking from there. ->
- @AliyaWhiteley THAT'S JUST LIKE MINE in reply to AliyaWhiteley ->
- @AliyaWhiteley AND IT HAS A BROWN JESUS ON THE FRONT in reply to AliyaWhiteley ->
- Technically I am supposed to be cooking lunch but something big is being punted up into space so sorry Mum and Auntie ->
- RT @elmo: Elmo is at the launch pad with #NASASocial! Go #Orion Go! http://t.co/8ghZrPsA8r ->
- RT @Spangledtees: To whoever it was at Oxford station yesterday who carefully placed my dropped glasses on my bike handlebars I wish you br… ->
- Do the launch conditions for #Orion not understand that I am supposed to be cooking lunch for my Mum and Auntie? ->
- RT @NASA: All systems are in a safe position. A wind violation is delaying #Orion's liftoff. The launch window extends until 9:44am/14:44 U… ->
- See, wind was already my least favourite weather ->
- RT @NASA_Orion: T-4 minutes. The #Orion countdown is back on! ->
- Nooooo. Not again ->
- When I was little I wanted to be an astronaut and then when I was a bit older I wanted to work for NASA & then I realised it was really hard ->
- RT @TheRealNimoy: 50 years ago today we 're shooting the first Star Trek pilot. LLAP ->
- Wait. Has someone been eating a lot of baked beans? #Orion #OrionLaunch ->
- There maybe 1hr 38mins left in yr launch window NASA but my mum is at the checkout & will be wanting lunch when she comes home in a bit ->
- I have like…. 20mins left in my lunch window, NASA ->
- Well. Auntie and Mum have watched the stream of the Orion launch over lunch now ->
- RT @elmo: Elmo learns all about being patient on Sesame Street. Elmo has no trouble waiting until @NASA is ready! #Orion ->
- @MissPotkin WELL if there is no one else there to watch can they really say that you did it? in reply to MissPotkin ->
- RT @NASA_Orion: The #Orion launch is scrubbed for today. Next launch opportunity in 24 hours. ->
- Is there anyone who doesn't want Monica Bellucci to be both Blofeld and Dr Strange? ->
- RT @msmeganmitchell: I will never stop laughing at this http://t.co/CkfQROsyp8 ->
- @tambourine WOAH in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @timeshighered: George Osborne’s postgrad loans plan would mean borrowers having upwards of 50% of their salary deducted to repay: http:… ->
- @tambourine Like. How is this a thing? in reply to tambourine ->
- RIGHT. Crucible at 7pm. Finished about 11pm. ->
- SO I follow @OllieMogs and @ollymoss SHOULD I complete the set with Olly Murrs? ->