- RT @iancamfield: After enjoying @henryrollins @BarbicanCentre so much last week, it was good to top up with more Rollins on Hard Talk https… ->
- I'm watching this thing with Henry Rollins and you know, my mum looks younger than him ->
- I think about this a lot when people's ages get mentioned on the telly box ->
- HOME. To a banana, beetroot, apricot, carrot and vienetta smoothie. ->
- RT @miralize: Nice story of how BBC engineers changed their radio tech and 35 million people didnt notice a difference. https://t.co/3yc1s5… ->
- @eoincmacken Percussive re-engineering in reply to eoincmacken ->
- RT @BB8: Is BB hungry? No BB-8 ->
- RT @Mansloth: Cabot Cove is 35 time more dangerous than Brazil's most dangerous city. ->
- RT @Scriblit: *Sees lots of nice things about Tom Baker in TL*
*It's just his birthday*
*sighs, shakily*
January 2016, you have put me on E… ->
- @tambourine like lipcote? That always made my mouth feel weird but worked pretty well on my terrible black lipstick in reply to tambourine ->
- Apparently Five Guys are attempting to come to my town ->
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