- RT @KyloR3n: current emotional state: hanging upside down in a wampa cave while my tauntaun gets eaten ->
- RT @claire_mcnear: I am in awe of the monstrousness of whoever put a sticker of an outlet on a wall at the airport https://t.co/DgIyDd6iHY ->
- RT @t3dy: Umberto Eco on Mac vs DOS (thanks @spikelynch ) https://t.co/ZJPjPamMkP ->
- RT @MarkDoesStuff: My experience as a guest of honor at a con, being harassed, and having nothing done about it: https://t.co/Rdn0BzWwM3 ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I think I thought about seeing that but ultimately I think it was impossible to consider it. I think. in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @ChefyStephie: When I die, I want this as my obituary. https://t.co/jjckHtuRSE ->
- RT @mattzollerseitz: .@simonsaybrams reviews the latest by the director of KUNG FU HUSTLE, and calls out Sony. https://t.co/1p54m7Rm6u htt… ->
- Surprise Russell Tovey #TheNightManager ->
- @herdivineshadow I mean, that's cos I don't read about TV anymore not that he's turned up to my house unexpectedly in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @jeffnoon: The hairdresser works with metal tongs and scale polish. He performs by looking in the mirror, never directly at his client. … ->
- @sebpatrick Every time I see the advert, it makes me want Amazon Prime even less than I did before. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- RT @sarahsosiak: …The conversation I've been having my whole life: https://t.co/ndmoWlCns8 ->