- @magpiewhale You know, I would watch a film about Andrew W.K. just going about answering advice questions from people in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale And maybe there could be puppies and kittens too in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @therealbirb He was interesting only in that bit where he was leaning against stuff in MSCL in reply to therealbirb ->
- RT @starwars: Try your hand at baking Rey's bread. You'll want to make 60 portions. Trust us. #TheForceAwakens https://t.co/hwywgXZWl6 ->
- @thehistoryguy @History_Hit Scroobius Pip's Distraction Pieces podcast does this as does the Revolutions podcast. Usually something relevant in reply to thehistoryguy ->
- @daniel_barker Did you eat a whole box of tiny beef wellingtons? in reply to daniel_barker ->
- RT @BookRiot: Our kingdom for this Death Star waffle maker. https://t.co/3Yuy59YGa8 https://t.co/0Y5jKnFBmJ ->