- RT @TreyKeown: Everything I learned as a kid is a lie https://t.co/l9DUwM2xJh ->
- @ErisLovesMovies YOU ARE THE GREATEST in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- What if Point Break-era Keanu Reeves played me in the movie of my life? ->
- RT @echovirus12: With the years, they will have more electronic parts than flesh. They won't miss it at all, you can be sure of that. As fo… ->
- RT @jessbowie: I'm so into #TheHandmaidsTale that reading an article about apprenticeships, I thought Ofsted and Ofqual were minor characte… ->
- @tambourine I really love the Thomas Sharpe perfume in reply to tambourine ->
- I really really love all of Risk To Exist but maybe this is the highlight https://t.co/n6CZ7Dz2qz ->
- @grrlinterrupted OMG in reply to grrlinterrupted ->