Tweets for 2017-09-25

  • It is very difficult to deal with someone else's pension when half of the things are in a language you don't understand ->
  • Plus the person you are helping, even though they are bilingual, is also hard of hearing in reply to herdivineshadow ->
  • @grrlinterrupted It would be way easier if my mum's friend's nephew was here to deal with this cos he speaks portuguese & english in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
  • @mstorilau Haha well, I guess I can do without a phone in reply to mstorilau ->
  • I have done all I can for my aunt's pension. TIME FOR TREK.

    And yes. Yes I did take the day off work for Trek ->

  • @JamesHunt OMG MY HEART. I am so much more excited about this than the current films. And I even like both of the films. SO MANY FEELINGS in reply to JamesHunt ->
  • RT @Hello_Tailor: ARE WE ALL AWARE that on Netflix, you can watch Star Trek: Discovery with Klingon language subtitles?… ->

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