- RT @mikefossey: john wick: I need to dispose of a body
bellhop: ok that costs one big gold coin
john wick: and id like a beer as well
bellh… -> - @growlery this does not sound minor written down
I will totes send you stuff if i hear anything in reply to growlery ->
- RT @joeheenan: Want to feel old?
Here's what the kid in Big looks like now https://t.co/2EAQZOcaWn -> - @OllieMogs mine is addicted to turkish period dramas now in reply to OllieMogs ->
- RT @petersm_th: If you've ever wonder what DNA tastes like Richard Preston delivers https://t.co/2EgQwMj7Tq ->
- I mean I realise there have been fireworks let off outside most nightssince Diwali started but these are where I can see them in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- I've bought mine already for this year but I'm saving them for 5th Nov. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- I even have a metal box to keep them in (…it's a gun cabinet). in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- It is a bit odd to celebrate the thwarted plot to blow up the houses of parliament with….recreational explosives. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @RealGDT: Cover of upcoming Shape of Water book from @insighteditions !! https://t.co/OuNnsrViGp ->
- RT @PeterKGeoghegan: Wow. Missed this. So newswatch who wrote anti-BBC ‘report’ Telegraph puffing today was literally funded by Leave.EU. W… ->
- RT @mumoss: Our family have owned a video recorder since the early 80s. https://t.co/dx8ndOay93 ->
- RT @averycutedog: This is the Kate of Protection. RT if u know what's good for u. Ignore if u don't. https://t.co/CQYGv5rnL4 ->
- @tehsekritnos Doesn't everyone? in reply to tehsekritnos ->
- @tehsekritnos Oh. This is awkward in reply to tehsekritnos ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I don't think I could manage it in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->