Tweets for 2018-01-11

  • Apparently I am not a good scratcher ->
  • RT @zgryphon: SUBWAY PERSON: OK, I marked your roast beef "RB".
    ME: Heh. I didn't realize for YEARS that that's why it's called Arby's.
    SUB… ->
  • @katbrown On the one hand maybe I am glad this person has moved, but maybe not that they have inflicted their cluelessness on Cornwall in reply to katbrown ->
  • RT @juliagalef: The difference between tech enthusiasts, engineers, and security technicians …… ->
  • RT @mishafletch: Is there gonna be a deathmatch between Brian "I love fandom, they're amazing, do you want a flower crown?" Fuller and Anne… ->
  • RT @tambourine: how do we protect women from men? is a question we are going to have to keep asking. when it comes down to it, that’s what… ->
  • RT @presentcorrect: There must be a Japanese word for nausea induced by an unquenchable desire for more stationery. ->
  • Ugh as much as I like sitting at the dinner table with my laptop, this is the spot with the worst wifi in the house ->
  • Which baffles me as this is also the spot I spent two years working on my masters in ->
  • @tambourine I am so glad that you know what it was now (and also you no longer work in the bad place) <3 in reply to tambourine ->
  • RT @simesa: The last remaining bit of Ceefax technology is being switched off in the next half hour. Presfax has been distributing the BBC1… ->
  • anyway why is there so much men's star wars stuff in marks and spencers, where is the ladies star wars stuff ->
  • RT @lilymrosenthal: i wonder if viggo mortensen knew in 2001 that he was setting the attractiveness standards for a bunch of 12 year olds f… ->
  • what i want is for there to be more doctor who/a-babies vs x-babies crossover fic and for me not to have to write it ->
  • Also I would like for there to be more durians in fic and also not have to write that myself either ->

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