- One of my cousins in Singapore has had a chendol mcflurry and I cannot believe I am on the other side of the planet right now ->
- @ErisLovesMovies It's a Malaysian dessert with this green jelly stuff that looks like alien worms, coconut milk, pa… https://t.co/XqXzlDFjGO in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I'm also indecisive about whether to spell it with the h cos with h it looks wrong but that's how it's pronounced in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies https://t.co/EstSUoOL2f in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- So of course I was listening to Star Wars radio yesterday but I noticed there was a Star Trek radio and I thought "… https://t.co/es8JntfPbM ->
- ALTHOUGH LIKE FOR REAL is it actually possible to have TOO MANY Star Trek feelings? in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @teh_nos I am ok then in reply to teh_nos ->
- @RockLordsRock OF COURSE in reply to RockLordsRock ->
- @JamesHunt The only one that annoys me a little is the elbows one, because it's just weird to see your own elbow go too far the wrong way in reply to JamesHunt ->
- RT @SortaBad: the main reason I want to own an elite racehorse is so I can name it Vaccinate Your Kids ->
- @budgie make WAP work again 😀 in reply to budgie ->
- @syn I guess there's only dreamwidth which is like an old livejournal but yeah, nearly all the other lj code instan… https://t.co/IWIj1WinoW in reply to syn ->
- RT @NASAInSight: It was one year ago today that I said goodbye to Earth, and launched on my great expedition to #Mars. We may live on diffe… ->
- Anyway I am wearing a thermal nail varnish with loads of glitter in and YOU KNOW, peel-off base coat and fast dryin… https://t.co/8AxykCEWdg ->
- (This one https://t.co/MXfyOeUoGV ) in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- Anyway in the last 9 hours of Star Trek music I have discovered that there is a song called Ballad of the Whale and… https://t.co/uN7sjv5ZVp ->
- RT @keanuthings: keanu reeves smiling
https://t.co/dWYVBBuo3w ->