- RT @seacreaturebot: https://t.co/F3ZA8TzmCo ->
- @magpiewhale Do the thing.
Borat interacting with a porg! in reply to magpiewhale ->
- RT @simaenaga_bot: https://t.co/6rtWMpDyUs ->
- RT @Nick_Craver: I’m pretty sure this isn’t what the creators of HTML had in mind… https://t.co/zIPLlBVV0T ->
- RT @daniel_barker: OK this is cool as fuck. https://t.co/uEvoyuWGj3 ->
- RT @AlwynFJH: Twitter I’m only telling you this b/c in the Referendum my flatmates were from NZ, Canada & Australia and NONE of them knew t… ->