- @grrlinterrupted AHA https://t.co/dmdFsOJQlf in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @jeffnoon: The tears of Orpheus, it is said, contain the music in his head, the notes he played but never shed, no, never shed… until Eu… ->
- RT @jeffnoon: Have you visited the Archive of Tomorrow yet? They have your future novels there, all four of them. And the notes for the unw… ->
- Watching Emma on telly and I feel sure they’ve cut stuff out of this version that was there ->
- @teh_nos Ask them to send someone round with a phone so she can call them? in reply to teh_nos ->
- So what bins do I put out tonight anyway? ->
- @tambourine I like that one but at the same time I do not. The Romola Garai one thoooo I could watch that over and over and over in reply to tambourine ->