- @winceyville @wordofgreen I think I would have gotten mildly stressed out watching him dance in high-high heels and… https://t.co/0yqCiLGQi3 in reply to winceyville ->
- RT @Pontifex: We need to develop the awareness that nowadays we are either all saved together or no one is saved. #Poverty, decadence and s… ->
- RT @dhh: What’s so fascinating about software development’s inability to deliver a given spec by a given date for decades on end is that PE… ->
- @sweet_exile @kakapojayne ^^this in reply to sweet_exile ->
- RT @proyearner: idk why “reads like fanfiction†is used as a way to dunk on books lol if someone says a book “reads like fanfiction†I’ll j… ->
- RT @goulcher: Oh god M&S have found tiktok and it’s the most unsettling thing I’ve ever seen, like an experimental David Lynch short https:… ->