Two things

one. I dislike the colour red a lot. I really don’t like it. What I don’t understand is why do I keep buying red clothes? I have a red coat, red skirt, red t-shirt and I just saw this red cardigan and I want to buy it.

I really don’t get it. I’ve even had hair that shade of red.

two. Why am I still awake? In Birmingham I went to sleep at midnight and woke up about seven in the morning. Here, I seem to be back to my old secondary school sleeping habits of going to bed at 2-3am and waking up between 8 and 9.


And stuff.

Originally from her divine shadow on August 21, 2006, 6:04pm

O que que e esse amor, d’agua

omgsotired. Went to birmingham for [info]yartek‘s birthday shindig. Highlights include:

  • pass the parcel
  • religious themed and confusing themed jokes in the parcel layers
  • millennium falcon transformer being the greatest transformer i have ever seen
  • various people jigging about to meatloaf
  • [info]cave_gary suddenly finding himself on the floor

then there was sleep.
then this morning i got up, went to church, visited [info]sethi and [info]rick_at_710, went back to [info]yartek‘s to pick up my umbrella, popped into the lush shop in birmingham and hopped on the train home with [info]doom_bees and then arrived at home.

to find out i seem to have been roped into being the voice of reason in someone else’s masterplan for setting up a youth group at church. apart from the various not entirely thought-through flaws i’ve spotted so far, there is also the seeming lack of young people at church to also contend with.

at least i had delicious food when i got home too. mmm chocolate pudding

Originally from her divine shadow on August 20, 2006, 2:21pm

taken from hollowpoint

Once you have been tagged, you have to write a post with 8 facts/things/habits about yourself and say who tagged you. In the end, you will need to choose the 6 people you tag and list their names.

1. I like playing computer games on the easy settings because I only really want to do something for a couple of hours, win and then get on with my life.
2. I used to have wavy hair and then it went curly. Now however, my hair has gone straight.
3. I’m vaguely allergic to mosquito bites. Not british mosquitos though.
4. I went and hung out in the rainforest with an indigenous malaysian tribe while wearing my pyjamas.
5. The other day I went to the dentist and the dentist glanced in my mouth and said “those two back teeth look kind of wonky. all four of those at the back look like wisdom teeth actually” and I said, “well, yeah. i had all four of my back uberwonky molars removed to make room for my wisdom teeth to grow in.” and the dentist was totally confused and said “why would you remove your adult molars?” and I just stared at her. I suspect this dentist is a bit incompetant because she only glanced in my mouth and didn’t really poke it much. I mean, I just told her why they removed my teeth and she still didn’t get it. Luckily, I’ve not had anything bad happen to my teeth yet. And if something goes wrong with them, I suspect I might go and see my mum’s private dentist.
6. i have seen AFI 4 times so far. And so has my dad. We’ll hopefully be seeing them again in October.
7. the other day, i made a necklace based on seeing another necklace in Cromer a few weeks ago. Only I think the one in Cromer was about 6 times more expensive than the one I made.
8. I’ve actually had a plenary indulgence. and yes, it did involve just going through a door like in the film Dogma. Only there’s some other stuff too that Dogma didn’t really mention.

I tag… the world.

Originally from her divine shadow on August 17, 2006, 8:53am

Photos, flickr and falbum

So I’ve spent bits of the day, on and off, fiddling with the layout trying it to get it to display my flickr photostream. I’ve managed to stick the flickr badge at the top with not too much trouble, but trying to get a page displayed that doesn’t look crap or is broken out of falbum still eludes me. At some point I guess, I’ll find a way to fix it.


What this is all about

So, finally caught up with moving all the reBlogged stuff into the right category instead of being “Uncategorised”. There won’t be much by the way of normal posting in this blog, as mainly it’s a place to display all my other blogging efforts around the net in one place.
Other than that I have no idea what else might go here. I’ll probably stick in various other feeds from non-blog places like flickr and, possibly some other places. Basically this is to aggregate stuff that I have a hand in and any future additions will be along those lines.

Oh. And a small sidenote, the reblogged stuff has wacky timestamps, so if you see something reblogged at like… 4am, it’s probably not the right time. Heh. As if I would be awake then.