when my headache burns

[+] Going to Malaysia soon

[-] Missing my first two maths tutorials

[+/-] Might be able to go to a different tutor’s session before I go to Malaysia.


[-] I do a lot of maths in my head. Not being able to *headdesk* and leave the contents of my brain-work on the page = annoying.

[+] PRIMEVAL!! is on tonight :D:D


Happy Birthday [info]everlone!!

I…just spent £30 on about 50 servings of Teh Tarik. From Malaysia. 😀 60p I think is a reasonable price for the most awesome tea ever shipped all the way from the other side of the world.

The best thing about waking up at 6.30am because your house is surrounded by the weather of hate, is knowing you can just go straight back to sleep and then waking up again at 9.30am 😀

…I started writing this at like. 10am. And then I was sure there was something else I was going to say, only I can’t remember now. Oh well.

baited breath and rubber glove

Friday was spent trying mostly not to cough. And when that failed, trying not to vom. On occasion, that failed too.

I have no idea what I did yesterday. Other than some maths and other coursework. I think I was productive. Got mathcad installed at least, after a bit of fiddling.

Today was the usual Sunday stuff.

Tomorrow, I have to remember to get myself over to Harrow for a tutorial with a tutor who hopefully understands that “I’m going away on [insert date here] to ANOTHER COUNTRY” means that I won’t be at her tutorial on that date.