herdivineshadow: things i am not fond of today = mathcad
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on September 13, 2008, 3:42pm
herdivineshadow: things i am not fond of today = mathcad
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on September 13, 2008, 3:42pm
At some point, I will actually get around to arranging the family holiday in November. I have been advised by my mum that I should do it all last minute like depending on whether my dad can go or not.
Which is ok. Although kind of weird because while I am a very last minute kind of person…. I also like being prepared for travelling large distances well in advance.
In other news, life is still crazy busy. No idea why. I’m sure I wasn’t this busy this time last year.
Although I guess I am reading a lot more now than I was able to fit in while I was at uni. Hmm. Then there’s the two courses I’m doing. And various life stuff.
In other other news, I think I’m finally getting the big fuss about the Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice. Reading the book helped a lot.
Randomly, I would like for last.fm to include the radio I listen to on my internet radio. It’d never work, but it would be nice. Heh.
Originally from her divine shadow on September 13, 2008, 8:16am