Band of Brothers

What is it with Band of Brothers hmm? I’m trying desperately to wade through it but it’s just so… boring. Maybe it’s seeing all these British actors and then them opening their mouths and their accents coming out all wrong. Maybe it’s too slow moving and grim.

I dunno.

I’ve finished the second disc but I don’t think I can bring myself to waste more rentals on it. :/

Does it get better?

Originally from herdivineshadow on November 29, 2008, 3:14pm

Writer’s Block: The Wrath of Ohrwurm

German has a word for everything, like ohrwurm. Translated literally as “earworm” in English, it’s the word for songs that get stuck in your head and won’t go away. What earworm of a song do you most dread burrowing into your head?

Submitted By [info]willard41

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That song by Madonna. The one about “I wanna dress you up in my love” etc. It’s not that it’s a bad song. It’s just that when it’s in my head, I have no way of knowing what the end of the song should sound like, so it just repeats and repeats.

Originally from her divine shadow on November 26, 2008, 12:36pm

My bookmarks for November 4th through November 22nd

These are my links for November 4th through November 22nd:

Anthony Cavalier RIP

Anthony Paul Peter Cavalier
29th March 1951 – 19th November 2008

They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor time condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall remember them.

Please keep my mum and I in your prayers and if you want to do more, please consider making a donation to the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal. My dad was a member of the British Legion and was very much in support of the work they do for serving members of the armed forces, ex-servicemen and women and their families.

Originally from her divine shadow on November 20, 2008, 2:26am