herdivineshadow: @wanderlustlover I have 145 I think?
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on November 17, 2008, 12:14pm
herdivineshadow: @wanderlustlover I have 145 I think?
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on November 17, 2008, 12:14pm
herdivineshadow: if i can live out of one small suitcase for a week, then we do NOT need two of the same size for a two night stay
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on November 17, 2008, 12:15pm
herdivineshadow: @wanderlustlover the latest lj news post mentioned somethign about the icons
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on November 17, 2008, 2:56pm
Tomorrow LJ goes down for a bit for the big server move or something. I wasn’t entirely paying attention to whatever it was that I read about it. Either way, it doesn’t matter as I’m hopping on a train to Scotland.
I <3 time off from work. I can do stuff during the day, while it is still light outside. 😀 Like… shopping. I bought a dress. And some new shoes to replace the cheap slightly too big pair that replaced the ones that exploded. Weeeeee.
I should really pack. Or make a list of things to pack. I have been instructed that I may only bring one book with me. I suspect I will cheat and bring my cybook. And a paperback. Might give North & South another read.
Better re-set my alarm clocks too.
And remember to charge things.
Originally from her divine shadow on November 17, 2008, 3:54pm