herdivineshadow: Woah. My hair is really really short now.
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on January 21, 2009, 3:34am
herdivineshadow: Woah. My hair is really really short now.
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on January 21, 2009, 3:34am
herdivineshadow: @krazycat Me too. I used to have trillian pop up with a tweet every so often
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on January 21, 2009, 7:09am
I believe I just got called to provide techsupport for the NHS. O_o
Originally from her divine shadow on January 21, 2009, 8:47am
Hygienist: “You have some stains on your lower back left tooth.”
Me: “It’s a wisdom tooth.”
H: “Oh, that’s okay then…” *pause for her to think a moment* “That’s not a wisdom tooth, that’s a second adult molar.”
Me: “No. The dentist removed all of those. It’s a wisdom tooth.”
H: “Oh. Ask the dentist about the stain.”
20 minutes later…
Me: “The hygienist said something about a stain or my lower back left tooth.”
Dentist: *peers into my mouth* “Just a stain, nothing to worry about…but you shouldn’t have it like that on your molar.”
Me: “It’s a wisdom tooth.”
D: “Oh, that’s okay then. But that’s not a wisdom tooth, that’s a second adult molar.”
Me: “No. All of those were removed.”
D: “Oh. Okay then.”
Me: “And handed to me in a little envelope.”
D: *checks the x-ray from last year* “Oh yeah. Nothing to worry about.”
It’s not the first time it’s happened either.
Originally from her divine shadow on January 21, 2009, 7:20am
These are my links for January 19th through January 21st:
herdivineshadow: Oh man brains hurt copious handfuls of pills not working >.<
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on January 20, 2009, 5:56am