herdivineshadow: yeah. should have stayed at home.
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on February 28, 2009, 1:35pm
herdivineshadow: yeah. should have stayed at home.
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on February 28, 2009, 1:35pm
herdivineshadow: @chris24 it’s better than amazing. it’s made of awesome.
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on February 28, 2009, 1:49pm
These are my links for February 23rd through February 28th:
herdivineshadow: augh. i really do not feel like going out tonight
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on February 28, 2009, 10:26am
First, that thing that I’m only just getting around to doing.
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
1. I really like hanging out on my own. Today was the first time in nearly two and a half years, I think, that I’ve had the house to myself for over an hour. It was great.
2. Alone, I don’t need for there to be music playing or the tv or background noise. Or talking aloud to myself. The internal monologue still plays though.
3. Yes, I have an internal monologue. It is the narration to the movie of my life.
4. Right now, I feel like an articulated lorry ran me over. This is the step after being hit by a truck, but before having the Eurostar reverse over me.
5. I still haven’t had my bacon pancakes. Dammit.
6. At some point, I will start dyeing my hair mad colours again.
7. I <3 durians hardcore. I even like the smell.
8. When I grow up, I want to be Wolverine.
9. I’m starting to get kind of obsessed with British history in general, even though at heart I am a maths and science person.
10. Objectively, I can see that the last 4 years have been filled with a lot of difficult events for me and my family.
11. Subjectively, I just haven’t really felt it. I don’t know why and at the same time, don’t see why these events should impact on bits of my life unconnected with them.
12. I have no idea why I chose to do a degree in Computer Science and Software Engineering, especially considering how little I still know about computer hardware and software. I suspect, that much like my A-level choices, it was because it would help offer the widest scope of opportunities for after I finished it.
13. I am pondering getting my ears pierced some more.
14. I am really getting into e-books and music downloads rather than having the actual material items. I suspect this is partly due to the lack of space in my room for yet more stuff.
15. While the idea that all the e-books and music I’ve bought could disappear in a puff of smoke is kind of unsettling, at the same time…it doesn’t bother me too much.
16. I stopped giving things up for Lent when I was 15 because it stopped being a challenge – instead I try and do something because it takes conscious effort.
17. Considering I’ve had an lj for just over 8 years, I’m rubbish at keeping a diary. I either can’t stick to writing things down or I can’t figure out the right way to record what I want to say. On the other hand, this whole microblogging thing is possibly something more easily attainable.
18. She says writing a post with 25 points on it.
19. I like rugby even though I don’t entirely remember what the rules are supposed to be.
20. My whole grasp on the concept of time is kind of skewed. Things that happened last week feel like they happened months ago, yet things that happened years ago feel like they happened last week.
21. Kind of related to that, I couldn’t really tell the time until I went to secondary school and actually HAD to be responsible for being places at the right time myself.
22. I am a dog person rather than a cat person. However, I think I am more of a bird person than a dog person.
23. When my pet bird had to be put down last year, I signed the forms to agree to it and dug his grave myself. It was kind of weird taking responsibility for all that.
24. I don’t understand why people put make-up on every day in the morning before they go out. It seems like a lot of effort.
25. I have finally found the shoes that I suspected I left in Birmingham somewhere.
I didn’t forget about tagging anyone for this, I’m just…not doing it. Go forth. Meme if you want.
Incidentally, the NHS has gotten into Second Life. It’s weird visiting virtual polyclinic.
Augh. Stupid plague.
Originally from her divine shadow on February 28, 2009, 9:51am
herdivineshadow: @rachelgeorge I believe a friend of my mum’s is taking us out for dinner. Whether or not I will make it, is another question 🙁
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on February 28, 2009, 7:18am
herdivineshadow: @McKelvie FASCINATION
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on February 26, 2009, 2:16pm
herdivineshadow: If this turns out to be a sore throat or miscellaneous plague, I’m taking it outside and shooting it.
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on February 26, 2009, 3:13pm
herdivineshadow: @ememess even better than food cooked by someone else, is food stolen from someone else’s plate. other people’s chips are a prime example
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on February 25, 2009, 4:26am
herdivineshadow: @mrtonylee I don’t believe you. I think you died and @warrenellis took over your body.
Originally from Twitter / herdivineshadow on February 25, 2009, 12:27pm